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- o n h o l d -​

It's raining bagels! Just like the real world, there's weather in Life as a Boy. The current weather affects a few things, most notably what activities you and other NPCs are able to do outside. It also affects what NPCs wear, and what you should wear (or not wear).

Deadboi60- I dont even want to attempt to make this table if it ever gets finished, its gonna get so confusing.
Weather Category​ Current Weather (with probability) Temperature Wetness
Sunny Clear Skies​ Example Example
Partly Cloudy​
Clear Skies​ 25%​
Partly Cloudy​ 50%​
Mostly Cloudy​ 25%​
Example Example

types of weather and temperature

how weather works by time of day and by season

what weather affects npc clothing npc routes you can still do certain outdoor things, but you will get wet

explain how wetness works with rainy weather

Certain quests only trigger during a particular weather. cannot dry clothes in the rain noah's quest

Weather channel