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Moodlets are things that directly affect your Current Mood. You gain moodlets by doing certain activities, or if you are in a certain state. Some moodlets are positive, some are negative, and others are neutral.

There are 58 different moodlets in the game.

Icon Moodlet​ Strength Category Description
Example Caffeine Buzz +5 Caffeine Moodlets Coffee may not taste the best, but it sure makes you feel energized!
Example Clean +5 Hygiene Need You feel clean.
Example Delicious +5 Hunger Bonus The food was amazing! You feel full and satisfied.
Example Entertained +5 Fun Need You feel entertained.
Example Exciting Nudity +5 Exposure Moodlets You are sneaking around in a public place, completely naked! It is scary, but also exciting!
Example Fresh Air +5 Trait Based Moodlets Sunshine! Fresh air! Nothing beats the beauty of the great outdoors!
Example Gave Wedgie +5 Bully Moodlets You gave another person a Wedgie, making you feel in control!.
Example Good Dream +5 Dream Moodlets Your mind is still full of memories of your nice dream.
Example Good Show +5 Stress Moodlets You watched a pretty good show.
Example Good Wank +5 Horny Moodlets You had a good wank.
Example Great Movie +5 Movie Moodlets The acting, the sets, the ending! The movie was an overall treat!
Example Kissed +5 Horny Moodlets You shared a kiss with someone you care about.
Example Lewd Experience +5 Social Moodlets You did something lewd with another boy. How can something so wrong feel so right?
Example Pleasant Breeze +5 Trait Based Moodlets You feel a pleasant breeze on your groin that tickles you playfully.
Example Pleasurable Burn +5 Bully Moodlets Your recently spanked butt burns with a pleasurable sensation.
Example Relaxed +5 Stress Moodlets You feel Relaxed.
Example Safe & Secure +5 Trait Based Moodlets There is something about being inside, safe from the dangers and chaos of the world, that makes you feel secure.
Example Tight Squeeze +5 Exposure Moodlets You can still feel the overwhelming tightness on your privates from that last wedgie.
Example Well Fed +5 Hunger Need You feel Well Fed from your last meal.
Example Well Rested +5 Energy Need You feel Well Rested.
Example Aroused 0 Horny Moodlets You feel a tingling sensation in your groin.
Example Damp 0 Environmental Moodlets Your clothes feel damp and a bit heavier than normal. Due to the water that resides within them.
Example Naked Safe 0 Exposure Moodlets You're naked, but you're in a safe place so its fine.
Example Towel Safe 0 Exposure Moodlets The only thing protecting your dignity is a White Towel you have wrapped around your waist.
Example Underwear Safe 0 Exposure Moodlets You’re in your underwear, but you're in a safe place so its fine.
Example Bad Dream -5 Dream Moodlets You are still remembering your bad dream.
Example Bored -5 Fun Need You are feeling Bored.
Example Caffeine Crash -5 Caffeine Moodlets You’re not feeling too hot. The caffeine made you feel energized for a while, but now you feel exhausted!
Example Dirty -5 Hygiene Need You could use a bath.
Example Hard -5 Horny Moodlets Your penis is hard and sensitive. You wonder if anybody can notice.
Example Holding It In -5 Bladder Need Your bladder is starting to feel full.
Example Hungry -5 Hunger Need You feel quite Hungry.
Example No Shoes -5 Equipment Moodlets Your feet hurt from walking around outside without any shoes on.
Example Pained -5 Bully Moodlets You are hurt! It will go away with time or medicine.
Example Scary Movie -5 Movie Moodlets That movie sure was scary. Good thing monsters aren’t real… right?
Example Seen in Underwear -5 Exposure Moodlets Someone saw you in your underwear!
Example Spanked -5 Bully Moodlets Your red ass is sore from being spanked. You don’t know which is worse, the pain or the humiliation.
Example Stressed -5 Stress Moodlets You feel stressed out.
Example Tired -5 Energy Need You are beginning to feel sleepy.
Example Uncomfortably Hot -5 Environmental Moodlets You feel quite hot, you should put on cooler clothes.
Example Uncomfortably Cold -5 Environmental Moodlets You feel quite cold, you should put on warmer clothes.
Example Underwear Exposed -5 Exposure Moodlets You blush as you find yourself in a public setting with your [insert undies type] Exposed!
Example Unpleasantly Constrained -5 Trait Based Moodlets Your underwear feels so tight upon your groin. It begs for freedom!
Example Wedgie -5 Exposure Moodlets You received a Wedgie! You can still feel your underwear being yanked.
Example About to Burst -10 Bladder Need Your bladder is about to explode!
Example Dying of Boredom -10 Fun Need You are in desperate need of entertainment.
Example Exhausted -10​ Energy Need You feel like you’re on the verge of passing out!
Example Filthy -10​ Hygiene Need You can barely stand your own stench!
Example Naked -10​ Exposure Moodlets You’re Naked in public! Your face burns a bright red as you try to cover your privates!
Example Nightmare -10​ Dream Moodlets You can't get that scary nightmare out of your head!
Example Painfully Horny -10​ Horny Moodlets Your penis throbs and twitches in desire. Your body begs for release.
Example Really Stressed -10​ Stress Moodlets You feel really stressed out!
Example Seen Naked -10​ Exposure Moodlets Someone saw you naked! Your exposed body will forever be engraved in their memory. You can hardly contain your embarrassment.
Example Starving -10​ Hunger Need You feel like you haven’t eaten in ages!
Example Wet -10​ Environmental Moodlets You and your clothes are soaking wet! You can dry off in a bathroom.
Example Very Hot -10​ Environmental Moodlets You are sweating buckets! You feel a strong desire to remove some clothes.
Example Very Cold -10​ Environmental Moodlets You are freezing! You should really bundle up.
Example Soaked -20 Environmental Moodlets You are soaked from head to toe, leaving a river of water behind you.