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Please take your time and carefully read the following rules, ignorance is no excuse for breaking them! Also read the legal disclaimer.

The most important rules are summarized below (but do read rules in its entirety)

- No underage members! (see rule #1) - No child porn. (see rule #2) - No media involving real children whatsoever. Even if it's "non-sexual and legal". (see rule #2) - No illegal activity in general. Due to the nature of the site, we are actively making sure no funny business is going on. Private messages (and associated attachments) on the forum and the chat can and will be accessed by the selected (limited) staff members if foul-play is suspected. (see rule #3) - Don't be an ass, be excellent to each other! (see rule #5) - We speak English. You can include your native text as well but do provide a English version as well (even if it's just a machine-translation). (see rule #6)


ATF is not for everyone!

Some of the content may not be legal in your country/place of residence, so please do your own research and check the local laws and make sure you are not breaking any.

ATF hosts and links to pornography, erotic art and other types of mature content, with main focus being on the loli/shota/cub variety. Various topics are also discussed, ranging from the mundane, to politics and aspects of pedophilia. If this is not for you, then please do seek other options or stay away from those sections of ATF.

"AllTheFallen" [referred simply as "ATF"] consists of several sites and services:


Image Booru --- Booru rules


Translation Site

Game Mods Wiki

Stories Wiki

Git repository


Streaming site

Be aware that some of ATF sites/services/sections may have additional and/or altered rules.

1) ATF is for adults and only

You must be over 18 years or older, depending what the legal equivalent of "age of majority" is in your region to access ATF.

Users who are found to be minors will be removed and banned (which can be permanent if we have no indication of the user's actual age). This is not only for the safety of the minors themselves, but of the site in general to comply with the law(s).

2) Forbidden content / media

Sharing and linking to actual child pornography (real minors) is strictly forbidden. Any attempts to do so (asking for it, trying to network with others) is forbidden. Failure to report users who have shared, linked or asked about it might make you be considered as a complicit.

Sexually suggestive content that involves media of real minors, even if it could be considered legal, is also strictly forbidden.

In general, any and all media involving real minors is not allowed. There are few exceptions to this rule, depending on what the context is. As an example, linking to a news article with a non-sexual and non-suggestive media involving a minor might be allowed depending on the context. Consult the staff if in doubt.

Sexual content that involves media of real animals (bestiality/zoophilia) is forbidden.

Content that is violent or extremist (real gore, real terrorism, etc.) is forbidden.

Knowingly sharing malicious content or links (be it viruses, Trojans or tracking sites) is forbidden.

Do not share any media that is in violation of the copyright law in Switzerland. Some unlicensed content might still be removed at the staff's discretion. Please give your support and respect to the authors.

Depending on the severity of the case, you can be warned, suspended or permanently banned. In the case of actual child pornography or child abuse, the perpetrator(s) and any accomplices will be reported to the law enforcement, ISP(s) and/or email provider(s) when applicable. == 3) Forbidden discussions and/or information == Do not discuss or implicate past, present or potentially future illegal activities, especially when it comes to child abuse. Depending on the probability of a threat / seriousness of a law being broken, you (and any others involved) can be reported to the law enforcement, ISP(s) and/or email provider(s) to try and ensure prosecution/ safety of you and/or the others.

Do not condone or endorse child abuse/molestation. While discussion about aspects of pedophilia is allowed in dedicated area(s), it must be in line with the rules of those sections.

As this is a very sensitive topic, please consult with staff first if you have any doubts if your thread/post might be crossing the line of acceptable discussion.

Posting personal information of others (doxxing) is forbidden.

4) Account policy

You are not allowed to own multiple accounts or share it with someone else, unless given an explicit permission from the staff. Do not try to circumvent a ban by creating another, this may lead to your ban being extended (if it was temporary).

If you are locked out from your current account, first try the password recovery. If that doesn't work (due to invalid email or so), please get in touch with the staff, we'll try to confirm your identity for the password reset.

You can request renaming of your account. You can request deletion of your account.(*) You can request deletion of your posts. (**) You can freely edit your own account details and posts. (***)

(*) On your request, please specify which ATF sites/services you have accounts on. On the Booru you need to do it yourself via this link once you are logged in.

(**) Technically under the GDPR law we are only required to remove personally identifiable information. This does not apply to all of your posts but usually we do allow removal of any and all posts.

(***) The preferred option to the above, go and remove the personal information yourself. But please do not abuse this, for example changing the meaning of your words completely to something else after someone has already replied to it. You can always clarify what you really meant by ADDING to your old post and/or making a new post/reply.

Signatures are nice and all but they can take a lot of screen estate and can make the reading experience on the forum for others a burden, so for a better viewing experience we have a soft limit of 250 pixels for signatures / images. Use the spoiler BBCode if you want to have more information in your signature.

5) ATF user conduct

Be polite and respect others, even if there is an disagreement. Try to remain calm, make constructive opinions and use facts for your arguments. Walk away if you feel like the conversation is getting too much for you.

If the conversation turns into a flame war, you and the participant(s) may be warned for the bad conduct and/or the thread being locked.

ATF is a loli/shota forum. While we celebrate open discussions, being toxic isn't something we tolerate. Toxic posts may be removed at the moderators' discretion.

Examples (but not limited to) of behavior that is not tolerated: bombarding user(s) with offensive or unwanted sexual advances via private messages or profile messages, especially when they've requested you to stop doing it.

If you witness other users breaking the rules of ATF, please use the report button, private message or email the staff. But do not abuse this as false reports can lead to warning.

Don't pretend to be someone you are not, be it your age, gender, or something else that might be used to confuse or fool others. Roleplaying is obviously excluded from this as long as the other(s) know it's an actual RP in progress.

6) ATF general conduct

On the public side of the forum, we use English. You are free to include text in your native tongue as well, but please provide an English version as well to best of your ability (even if it's just a machine-translation).

Make meaningful posts, replying to threads with single word or short sentences could be seen as spam and may be removed as they generally do not contribute anything. The one being replied to also will appreciate more substantial replies, be it a specific compliment on some aspect of their words/work, it could even be constructive criticism.

Try not to reply to the same thread in short succession especially if your messages are short, you can quote multiple posts or use the @username feature if you want to address several things or users at once. You can also use the edit feature if you forgot to include something in your last post. Do not "bump" old threads if you don't have anything meaningful to add.

Make meaningful threads, try to use the search if one already exists for the topic you want to cover. The thread title should be descriptive enough for people to discover / get interested in it. You can also use tags to further refine this.

Learn the layout of the forum and see which section would be most suited for your thread. Don't make multiple threads with the same content to try to get more attention, if you have made a mistake and meant to put the thread elsewhere, use the report feature to get the staff's attention and they will move it for you.

In general, try to stay on-topic, do not derail threads from their original scope. Make a new thread if you think there is enough merit to expand on the topic. Staff can assist you moving off-topic posts from the old thread to a new one if needed. We can also merge several threads into one if they are more or less the same.

If you include links in your posts, do not use URL shorteners because that doesn't allow our users to see where it actually takes them. So called "premium links" (lots of ads, slow speeds without paid subscription) for downloads aren't allowed either. Examples of accepted and practically free services are MEGA and Mediafire. The only exception to the "premium links" rule is when they are clearly labeled as such (as an option to give support for content you rightfully own) and a free/clean alternative (hosted on ATF or elsewhere) is given and is still valid and working.

Failure to report users, especially if they are breaking first three (3) major rules and you have been involved, can make you a complicit and subject to the same punishment / treatment as the other(s).

The list of rules is not exhaustive or complete. More might be added or removed in the future.

These rules will be enforced by ATF's staff, at their own discretion. If you feel that you are being treated unfairly, you can contact another staff member who might be more impartial to review your case. If you are still not happy with the result, please get in touch with the admin(s).

In general, please try to contact a moderator first if you need help before trying to reach a higher staff member.

Potential consequences for breaking these rules depend on severity of the rule, as well as severity of the infraction (and how many times you have broken the same or other rules), and may include a verbal warning, an infraction point, a temporary suspension or a permanent ban. You may appeal by contacting an admin(s) via email.

Last revised: 18th of November 2023.