Booster Shot

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Booster Shot​

Noah has to get some shots for school. He is not looking forward to it. Your Father has asked you to take him. How will you handle the situation?


The booster shot quest is a non-repeatable quest in the game. The quest will trigger when you walk into the living room between 1000H and 1800H on a Saturday or a Sunday. For most players, you will stumble upon the quest on the first Saturday in the game.


To start the quest, walk into the living room on a Saturday or Sunday between 1000H and 1800H. There appears to be some commotion in the living room, and upon seeing you, Noah runs over to try to convince your father that you're too busy to take him out. Your father explains that Noah has to get some shots as mandated by his school, but as usual, Noah is afraid of needles and would get up to all sorts of things to avoid visiting the doctor. Your father is busy with work and has asked you to take him to the doctor. As you agree, your father also informs you that Noah is getting 3 shots instead of 1.

After this scene, the quest will be added to your quest menu. Once started, the quest can be completed on any day between 1500H and 1800H, despite the text saying that the doctor's appointment is on the day itself.

Going to the hospital​

To continue the quest, head to the hospital between 1500H and 1800H. You will have an option to Take Noah to his Appointment. The appointment will take 1 hour in total.

The scene starts with Noah following you into the clinic as you register at the reception and wait for the doctor. Noah is very obviously nervous about the whole ordeal.

Here, you have 2 choices:

  • Comfort Him
    • You comfort Noah and hold him close to you, which seems to calm him down a little.
      • +2 Social with Noah
  • Watch Cartoons
    • You ignore Noah and watch the cartoons on the TV. Noah gets up to go to the toilet and you bring him there. After Noah was done, you found him giving himself a pep-talk in the mirror.
      • +6 Energy

Meeting the doctor

The nurse calls you in to an examination room where you wait for the doctor. Soon, Dr. Makani enter's the examination room and greets the 2 of you. After a short introduction, he informs Noah that he would have to strip down to his underwear, and that he can ask you to wait in the hallway if he needs some privacy. Despite being normally shy, Noah was quite firm with wanting you to stay in the room with him.

The doctor helps him undress and starts conducting tests. Eventually Dr. Makani brings up the shots. Noah freezes upon hearing the 's' at the end. Upon learning the fact that he is getting 3 shots instead of 1, Noah starts to freak out.

Here, you have 2 choices:

  • Sit Him on Your Lap
    • You pick Noah up and sit back down with him on your lap. To distract Noah, you start to recount one of Noah's favourite episodes from Owlman, but intentionally get something wrong. As Noah begins to recount the adventure, the doctor grabs his arm and gives him his first shot prompting him to cry into you. After a while of comforting Noah, Dr Makani administers the second shot, but this time, Noah doesn't burst into tears. Despite your praise, Noah proceeds to stand up and sit in the corner of the room facing the wall.
      • +2 Social with Noah
  • Stand Up & Hold Him Down
    • You get annoyed at Noah and grab his legs, pulling him back over. Noah begins to cry louder as you hold him down forcefully. Dr. Makani attempts to calm the boy down, but it doesn't work, as Noah continues to cry the entire time. You finally release Noah after 2 of his shots and he quickly pushes past you and sits in the corner of the room facing the wall and sobbing.
      • -2 Social with Noah

Final shot

Dr. Makani comments about how so many kids are afraid of needles, but it seems like Noah has it bad. The doctor then informs you that the last shot has to go in his backside.

Despite trying to whisper the last part, Noah clearly hears it as he stands up and turns around with a fearful look on his face. The doctor tries to calm him down as he inches towards the door, screaming and crying. You manage to grab Noah right before he manages to escape. Noah continues to freak out and plead with both of you as you hold him, trying to calm him down.

In his desperate flailing, he accidentally elbows you right in the nose. Noah freezes as you let him go and starts apologising to you.

Here, you have 2 choices:

  • Let Him Lay on You
    • You grab Noah and pull him close to you. You shush him and lay back on the bed, hugging him against your stomach. You whisper to him, asking him to be brave and promising to get ice-cream if he can do it. Dr. Makani takes the opportunity to pull his underwear down to his knees to administer the final shot. Noah doesn't cry, as it seems he was all cried out. Eventually, Noah gets up and gets dressed. Dr. Makani thanked the both of you and hands you some papers for your father and you left. As promised, you bring Noah to get some ice cream near the park. After finishing his ice-cream, Noah laid his head on your lap and gives you a big smile.
      • +2 Social with Noah
  • Stand Up & Hold Him Down
    • Being fed up with his behaviour, you grab Noah by the waist and toss him onto the hospital bed. You pin his arms above his head and yank his underwear off of him. Dr. Makani has some reservations about you being rough with Noah, but figured it would be best to quickly wrap it up. Noah lets out a pained scream as the needle pricked him. Once it was done, Noah shoved you off him and crawled to the corner of the bed and continued to cry. Dr. Makani tries to give him his clothes, but Noah just tosses them away and yells out "I hate you!". Dr makani handed over some paperwork for your father. Eventually, Noah got redressed and sat down by the door waiting for you to take him home. When you arrived at home, Noah quitely says that he doesn't hate you, but he is really bad, before running into his room and slamming the door loudly.
      • -2 Social with Noah



  • Noah's dramatic breakdown is seen as out of the ordinary for his fears, mainly prompted by the anxiety of moving combined with your father's absence during the examination.
  • Along with the PC and Gabe, Noah used to see a therapist before they moved, but haven't gotten a new one yet, which may explain Noah's increase fear and anxiety.