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Skills are things your boy can learn and improve upon. Your skill directly affects the things you are capable of doing, as well as how likely you are to succeed in doing certain activities.

There are 10 skills in total. All skills have 10 levels that can be increased by gaining XP through activities relating to that skill. All skills start at 0 unless you have chosen to learn that skill in the character creation menu, which starts you at Level 2 for the chosen skills.

School Skills

These are your skills in each subject at school. They measure how good your boy is at the four available school subjects - English, History, Math, and Science. While your skill is a component of your current grade, they do not directly reflect it.


The English skill measures your ability in the English language. The English skill is usually learned by attending English class on the first day right after the intro scenes, but can also be learned by studying English in the school library or the public library.

Your English skill can be improved by going to English class, studying English in the library, and doing homework.

Level Description Unlocks
Level 1 (Learning the skill) You have learned the English Skill! This will determine your class grade. The English Language is a complex beast, where none of the rules make sense. But somehow, it is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Improving your English Skill will increase your persuasion ability. N/A
Level 2 You have reached English Level 2! Your mind becomes stronger as you explore more worlds between the pages. You can now “Browse” in the Public Library to discover new books of interest. You can read and research these books to uncover new stories and interests. "Browse" action in Public Library


The History skill measures your knowledge about history. The History skill is usually learned by attending History class on the first day right after the intro scenes, but can also be learned by studying History in the school library or the public library.

Your History skill can be improved by going to History class, studying History in the library, and doing homework.

Level Description Unlocks
Level 1 (Learning the skill) You have learned the History Skill! This skill will determine your class grade. Learning from the past is the most important step for improving your future. Improving your History Skill will allow you to unlock secret locations and access Collections in the Museum. N/A
Level 2 You have reached History Level 2! Knowing the history behind something can help you understand where it is and where it is going. You’ve heard that there was an incident at the local Museum. You’ve also unlocked a secret location. Secret Location (not yet implemented)
Level 3 You have reached History Level 3! The Town of Opal City has its own history, but it is steeped in mystery and intrigue. You’ve unlocked a secret location. Secret Location (not yet implemented)

Note: No secret locations have been implemented yet. Current text is just a teaser for future updates.


The Math skill measures your numerical and calculational competency. The Math skill is usually learned by attending Math class on the first day right after the intro scenes, but can also be learned by studying Math in the school library or the public library.

Your Math skill can be improved by going to Math class, studying Math in the library, and doing homework.


The Math skill measures your numerical and calculational competency. The Math skill is usually learned by attending Science class on the first day right after the intro scenes, but can also be learned by studying Math in the school library or the public library.

Your Science skill can be improved by going to Science class, studying Sciencein the library, and doing homework.