= What is MMD?= MikuMikuDance (commonly abbreviated to MMD) is a freeware animation program that lets users animate and create 3D animated movies, originally produced for the Vocaloid character Hatsune Miku.The MikuMikuDance program itself was programmed by Yu Higuchi (HiguchiM) and has gone through significant upgrades since its creation. Its production was made as part of the VOCALOID Promotion Video Project (VPVP).
Where to download
https://learnmmd.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR1TTSP4IV8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIfPqhvsU1w
How to run it on linux
Models & Assets
https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=MMD https://bowlroll.net/user/635648 (artist twitter https://nitter.net/icemega5)