Noah's Missing Toy

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Noah's Missing Toy​

Noah lost his toy while playing with it in the backyard. Do you help him find it? Or do you be a mean big brother and just wish him luck?


Noah's missing toy is a repeatable quest in the game. It will trigger on the first Wednesday of the game, and on every subsequent Wednesdays, there is a 25% chance that it will trigger again.


To start the quest, find Noah when he is playing in his bedroom or playing in the backyard. Your boy will note that Noah seems upset about something. You may then choose to ask him what's wrong. Noah will then explain that he left his Owlman figure outside while playing and now he can't find it. He then proceeds to look up at you with sad, puppydog eyes.

Here, you can choose whether to agree to help him, or just wish him luck.

  • If the latter is chosen, your boy will pat Noah on the head and wish him luck in finding his toy. This obviously causes Noah to be sad, but he thanks you anyway. Choosing this option won't dismiss the quest, as you can still go back and help Noah.
  • If the former is chosen, your boy will pat Noah on the head and agree to search for his toy. The quest will then start.

Searching for the toy​

To start searching for Noah's toy, head to the backyard where there will be an option to "Search for Noah's Toy". There are 3 places the toy can end up, which is randomised at the start of the quest.

There are 4 options you can choose when searching for the toy.

Investigating the Deck

You think back to your favourite shows about detectives, "Mysteries Included", and try to think like the leader of the team. There are 4 outcomes depending on the location of the toy.

Toy Location​ Description
Tree As you are walking around the deck, looking at small things that probably aren’t clues but could be, you suddenly hear a loud crunch as you step on something! You bend down and see a small pile of nut shells. You follow the trail to the stairs, where you discover small footprints next to what appears to be a line in the grass. Evidence of a robbery! You follow the tracks to the large tree that stands in your backyard, where the thief must have escaped with your little brother’s precious toy.
Deck As you are checking under some of the furniture on the deck, you notice a small hole in the floorboards under a small table. You remember seeing this hole when you moved in, Your Father had promised to fix it but it seemed he decided to just poorly cover it instead. It wasn’t large enough to be a danger, but was just the right size for a toy to fall through! Its pitch black down there, but you reach your arm in to see if you can find anything. The tip of your fingers touches something that you think is plastic, but you can’t reach it from here.
Shed As you are searching around, you realize that the deck was clean. Too clean for a deck used by 3 boys and their father. Something was wrong. You are trying to figure out why it is so clean when it hits you, had been cleaning the house furiously, saying something about an inspection from the H.O.A. That would explain why it was so clean! Your Father wouldn’t have had time to clean it properly though, so he most likely would have just shoved everything out of sight. The question was: "Where?”
Fail to find anything (25% chance)​ Unfortunately, after 15 minutes of looking at random things and making inquisitive noises, you find nothing of use. You sigh, guess you are not the detective you thought you were. Seems like your only option is to start searching and hoping for the best.

Depending on the description, you can then deduce where the toy went.

Crawl under the Deck
Toy Location​ Description Modifier​
Correct Location​ You proceed to crawl under the deck and feel around for the toy. Eventually you find something that feels like plastic. Upon pulling it closer, you confirm that it is indeed Noah's toy. -20 Hygiene
Wrong Location​ You proceed to crawl under the deck. After a bit of searching, you suddenly feel a large fuzzy creature crawl onto your hand. You scream and accidentally hit your head against the floor of the deck causing a bunch of dust and dirt as well as other smaller bugs to fall on you. Thankfully, you are pulled out from under the deck by your father. Your father, noticing all the black bugs covering you, blasts you with water and scolds you angrily before getting you to strip naked. He continues to blast you with water and scold you until you are completely clean, before letting you go. Unfortunately, your boy will have to walk back to the bedroom naked. Depends on nudity attitudes.


  • 5 hour Seen Naked Moodlet


  • 2 hour Seen Naked Moodlet
Climb the Tree
Toy Location​ Description Modifier​
Correct Location​ You walk up the the base of the tree and begin climbing. This will trigger a skill check.
Skill Check Pass You struggle a little to scale the tree with your small body, but you eventually notice a small hole and see a black figure poking out of it. Right as you were about to grab it, a squirrel pops out. You yell and slam your hand against the tree which causes it to dart away. You retrieve the toy before descending back down.
Skill Check Fail Halfway up the tree, you slip and fall back down to the ground.
-4 Energy
Wrong Location​ You walk up the the base of the tree and begin climbing. This will trigger a skill check.
Skill Check Pass You note how hard scaling a tree is and how much easier it seemed in cartoons. As you are resting on a branch, you hear some chittering from above you. Climbing further up, you notice a hole with a small silhouette inside. You reach inside and are attacked by a squirrel. After tossing the squirrel off you, you begin to rapidly descend from the tree, but the squirrel was faster than you and starts crawling into your clothes. Your scream attracts Gabe who laughs at the situation who can't help but laugh. To your dismay, the squirrel becomes fascinated by your nuts prompting you to rip off your pants.
Wearing undies The squirrel clings onto the waistband of your undies, convinced that there was something inside. Right as the squirrel manages to pull down the front of your undies, you manage to grab it and chuck it against the tree. Finally, the squirrel returns back up the tree, but you soon come to the realisation that Gabe had been filming the entire time.
Not wearing undies The squirrel continues to leap around and scratch at you, when it notices your balls dangling between your legs. It leaps up to try and snatch them, which causes you to fall backward onto the grass. Not giving up, the squirrel continues to scratch at your hands. In pain, you cry out for help which prompted Gabe, who had been filming the entire time, to finally help you.
Skill Check Fail Halfway up the tree, you slip and fall back down to the ground.
-4 Energy

No Undies

  • 5 hour Seen Naked Moodlet

Search the Shed
Toy Location​​ Description Modifier
Correct Location​​ You enter the shed and begin searching. After a while, you finally see Noah's Owlman Figure in a box atop an old wooden desk. Right as you grab the toy, a rat suddenly jumps out of the box, causing you to lose your balance and tumble backwards. Scene plays out in 1 of 3 random different ways.​
Pained You try to catch yourself, but fall to the ground regardless. Thankfully you don't hit anything.
Clothes Torn You try to catch yourself, but end up falling towards a pile of boxes. Your bottoms catch on something causing it to be completely torn off.
Wet You try to catch yourself, grabbing a stack of boxes, one of which contains water, and you find yourself drenched in some slightly foul smelling liquid.
  • 8 hour Pained Moodlet

Clothes Torn

  • 8 hour Pained Moodlet
  • Bottoms destroyed


  • .-35 Hygiene
  • Wet Moodlet
Wrong Location​ You enter the shed and begin searching. Suddenly, you hear a loud creak from the door and it slams shut. You race to the door only to find it blocked from the other side. Begging for help, you hear Gabe laughing outside. Gabe will only let you out on the condition that you give him all your clothes.
Agree & Strip You call out to your brother and agree to strip. After stripping naked, he steps away and you rush out the door as fast as you can, but had expected this and he grabs hold of you, exposing your bare body to the backyard.
Arousal < 60 Gabe grabs your penis and painfully squeezes it, forcing you to apologise, before releasing you.
Arousal > 60 Gabe notices your erect penis and starts to jerk you off in the open. You are unable to resist as the waves of pleasure overtake your body. Right before you orgasm, he stops, teasing you for thinking he was going to finish you off before releasing you.
Attempt to Climb Out the Window You attempt to climb out of the window. This triggers a skill check.
Skill Check Pass You successfully climb through the window and tip-toe back inside.
Skill Check Fail As you are nearing the top, you hear a crunch an realise that your stack was about to collapse. In a panic, you dive through the window. With nothing to support your weight, you now found yourself stuck in the window. Gabe, hearing the commotion, quickly unblocks the door and runs in, but upon seeing you, he laughs. He walks up to you and starts teasing you. In your anger, you let out a curse, and gabe punishes you by pulling off your bottoms. Gabe leaves you stuck in the window, but luckily, you manage to free yourself after a few minutes.
-4 Energy


  • 5 hour Seen Naked Moodlet
  • If Arousal > 60
    • .+80 Arousal

Climb Window

  • Pass
    • None
  • Fail
    • 5 hour Seen Naked Moodlet
Returning the toy​

Once you have found Noah's toy, you can return it to finding him when he is playing in his bedroom or playing in the backyard.

You walk up to him with the toy behind your back, telling him you have a surprise. Noah gets very excited when you show him the toy, but you pull it back before he grabs it.

  • Ask for a Kiss
    • You ask for a kiss as a reward.
    • +3 Social with Noah
    • 3 hour Kissed Moodlet
  • Ask for Half His Allowance
    • You demand half of his allowance. Noah sadly grabs a ten-dollar bill and hands it to you.
    • +2 Social with Noah
    • +$10

After you have returned Noah's toy, the quest ends.