Odd Jobs

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Odd Jobs​

During your free time, your boy can opt to earn some extra cash by doing odd jobs that can be found in the Community Center. Everyday, odd jobs have a chance of spawning on the Bulletin Board at the Community Center. There are currently 4 types of odd jobs that can send you to 1 of 3 locations: Northend, Dellwood, or Wald.

Job Descriptions

Job Type​ Pay Details
Clean Gutters​ 5-20​
Location Description
Northend The trees in my hard have absolutely been clogging up my gutters. I’m worried the next batch of rain will cause mold or water damage. If someone more young and fit then I could come help out and clear them, I’d be very grateful.
Dellwood​ A lot of trash has been filling my gutters in recent weeks due to this awful weather and my doctor has recommended that I don’t climb ladders. Annoying, but what are you going to do? If someone could come over and clear them out for me, I’m willing to pay.
Wald H.O.A. Notice: “Dear Resident, it has come to our attention that your gutters are clogged with leaves and other debris. This is a formal warning to get them cleared, you have one-week to comply before a fine will be issued. Have a nice day!” If I could swear on this board I would, anybody willing to help a guy out and clear them?
Fix Fence​ 15-25​
Northend Some idiot backed up into my fence and drove off without telling me. Jokes on them, I got their plates on video. While I wait for the police report to go through, I need someone to fix up the fence before my in-laws get into town next weekend.
Dellwood​ My poor fence has seen better days, but I’m a bit too old to be going out there with a hammer and a bunch of nails. Would appreciate if someone could come down and help an old man out.
Wald That H.O.A. be having a field day! Apparently, my fence is an ‘eye-sore’ and ‘unsafe’. If it’s so bad, why don’t they get off their asses and fix it, huh!? Anyway, I gotta couple bucks if anyone could help me out here.
Mow Lawn​ 5-15​
Northend My sons decided that they're ‘too busy’ to do their chores, so I decided that their allowance will now cover the cost of hiring someone else to do it. They just don’t know it yet.
Dellwood​ One side of my yard is growing much quicker than the other half, willing to pay someone to correct this. Both sides must be equal to receive payment. I will check! Serious inquiries only.
Wald The H.O.A. has been breathing down my neck to get my grass down, but I just don’t have the time. I’m willing to pay a couple dollars to get them off my back. Thanks in advance!
Pull Weeds​ 5-10​
Northend My yard has seen better days. This weather recently has caused the weeds to grow like, well weeds. Wondering if someone could come over and help clear them out for me. Willing to pay!
Dellwood​ Looking for a young boy, preferred age between 10-13, looking to make some money. No girls, as they are not strong enough. Need some weeds pulled, tough ones. Due to how physical it may be, I’d recommend short or loose-fitting clothing. You may also go without a shirt, if you want. I will be watching to make sure it is done right.
Wald The H.O.A. seems to have people peering over my fence into my backyard, which I feel is a violation of my rights as a homeowner. How else would they know the weeds in my backyard are “too high”. Willing to pay if anyone could come out and pull them up for me, before they start installing cameras to ‘keep an eye on me’.

Job Events

Job Type​ Duration Details​
Clean Gutters​ 1 Hour​
Event Chance Description Modifiers​
Easy but Gross​ 37.5%​ You clean the gutter normally and don't face any complications.​ -3 Energy
Big Beetle​ 37.5%​
A large beetle jumps out at you.
If you have a bug fear, you will fall off the ladder
-3 Energy​

Bug Fear:

  • 4 hour Pained Moodlet​
Ladder Wedgie​ 25%​
Your underwear gets hooked at the edge of the gutter and gives you a wedgie. You unhook yourself and fall to the ground (50% chance)
Your underwear gets hooked at the edge of the gutter and gives you a wedgie before your undies rip and sending you falling to the ground (50% chance)
No Undies You fall off the roof into a bush full of thorns and bugs
-3 Energy

8 hour Pained Moodlet Undies​:

  • 10 hour Wedgie Moodlet
Fix Fence​ 2 Hours​
Power Tool​ 37.5%​ The client lets you work with their power tools, making the job much easier.​ None
Hard Manual Tool​ 37.5%​ The client hands you an old rusty hammer with a handful of nails. The job makes you exhausted and the fence doesn't look any better.​ -6 Energy​
Hit Finger​ 25% You hit your thumb by accident with the hammer.​
Throw Hammer in Anger​ You angrily toss the hammer to the ground, which bounces unexpectedly and hits a small yard light, shattering it.
Curse Loudly​ You curse loudly, before quickly covering your mouth. Unfortunately, a crazy old lady heard you and gives you a spanking with her trowel
-3 Energy

Throw hammer

  • 5 hour Pained Moodlet​
  • Pay -$5​

Curse Loudly

  • 24 hour Pained Moodlet​
  • 12 hour Spanked Moodlet
Mow Lawn​ 1 Hour​
Push Mower​ 25%​ Much to your annoyance, the owner only has an old tiny push mower, leaving you very exhausted after finishing up. -6 Energy
Gas Mower​ 25%​ After a bit of trouble trying to get the gas mower to to start, you mow the lawn without any complications. -3 Energy
Electric Mower​ 25%​ To your delight, the owner has a fancy electric mower, and all you need to do is sit on it and drive it around. None
Pulled Along​ 25%​ You accidentally hit an unknown button on the side of the fancy mower which causes it to move at incredible speed and spin around the lawn, dragging you along with it, and ripping your clothes to your ankles, leaving you bare-bottomed.
Let go​ You release the mower, causing it to crash. The owner rushes out to investigate only to find his mower damaged. Angrily, he asks you to leave, but being the idiot that you are, you try to ask for your payment. You didn't get paid.
Hold on​ You hold on, figuring out a way to stop the mower. Deciding to not let it crash into the owner's car, you throw yourself and the mower into some shrubs. Thankfully not much damage was done besides the one to your dignity.
-3 Energy

5 hour Pained Moodlet Let go

  • No Pay

Hold On

  • 5 hour Seen Naked Moodlet
Pull Weeds​ 0.5 Hours​
Troublesome but Done​ 75%​ It takes some elbow grease, but you get the job done surprisingly quickly, and without any complications. None
Fall in Mud​ 25%​ The rather inept owner left the sprinklers on, making the ground muddy. That seemed to make the weeds easier to pull, except for a rather large one. Putting all of your might to pull on the weed, it is suddenly yanked out of the ground, causing you to tumble backwards into the ground. The owner is shocked by your muddied appearance, offering to wash your clothes for you.
Walk home muddy You decline his offer, not wanting to give some stranger your clothes.
Let him wash your clothes You agree to let the man wash your clothes. You strip down, leaving you outside in nothing but a towel. After a while, the man returns with your clothes neatly folded and cleaned.
Walk home muddy
  • Hygiene set to 10
  • Wet Moodlet

Wash clothes

  • None

If the current temperature is Warm, Hot, or Scorching, you will note how hot it was after finishing up, and your hygiene will decrease by -10.

Odd jobs can be tracked in the Quest Sidebar Menu. The location of your Odd Job is marked on the World Map via a bouncing ! marker.