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Needs are things that your boy requires. Needs can directly affect your Mood which in turn affects gameplay.

High needs will result in a happy boy, which will make learning skills and certain skill checks easier.

While there isn't death in Life as a Boy, not maintaining your needs well can make your boy very depressed! Low needs make performing well in class much harder, as well as making the failure rate for certain skill checks much higher. So make sure to take good care of your boy!

There are a total of 5 needs.


Energy shows how much energy your boy currently has, or in other words, how tired your boy is.

Throughout the day, your boy will lose various amounts of energy by doing activities such as studying, playing, doing chores, and various other physical activities. Every hour that passes also decreases your energy by 3 (2 if Need Decay set to Easy, 5 if set to Hard).

You can replenish energy by either napping or sleeping in your bedroom, napping in the school playground, or having a coffee in Café Le Chat Blanc.


   Napping in the bedroom takes 1 hour and replenishes 9 Energy.
   Napping in the school playground takes 30 minutes and replenishes 10 Energy, but beware of napping in the playground, as there are various events that can take place during your nap.
   Napping reduces stress levels by 1.


   You can only sleep between 1900H and 0400H.
   You can choose to sleep between 4 - 10 hours.
   For every hour slept, 9 Energy is replenished. (14 if Need Decay set to Hard)
   Sleeping resets stress levels back to 0.


   Between 0600H and 1800H, you can head to the French cafe in the Food District to have a coffee.
   Drinking a coffee takes 15 minutes and costs $2. It also replenishes 25 energy and gives you the Caffeine Buzz Moodlet which lasts for 6 hours.
   Beware of drinking coffee, as that will cause you to have a caffeine crash later in the day! Once the Caffeine Buzz Moodlet times out, your boy will experience a caffeine crash which depletes 35 energy and gives you the Caffeine Crash Moodlet
   You will not be able to drink coffee again until both Caffeine Moodlets have worn off.

Different levels of energy will give you different moodlets.

   If Energy > 60, you will receive a Well-Rested Moodlet.
   If Energy < 45 and >25, you will receive a Tired Moodlet.
   If Energy < 25, you will receive a Dying of Exhausted Moodlet.

Be careful to not let your energy decrease to zero, as that will cause your boy to pass out!

   Passing out at home advances time by 2 hours and replenishes 25 energy. Your father will find you passed out and bring you to your bedroom.
   Passing out in school advances time by 1 hour and replenishes 25 energy. You will wake up in the infirmary with Dr. Bertram assuring you that you're alright.
   Passing out around town advances time by 1 hour and replenishes 18 energy. Upon waking up, you will realise that someone has stolen $5 of your money!

So make sure to keep him well-rested!


Hunger shows how hungry your boy is.

Every hour that passes while awake will decrease your hunger by 5 (2 if Need Decay set to Easy, 8 if set to Hard). Every hour that passes while sleeping will decrease your hunger by 2 (1 if Need Decay set to Easy, 3 if set to Hard).

There are several ways to replenish your hunger.

Home Kitchen

   Daily Meals
       These meals are free and are available 3 times a day in the kitchen. They each take 15 minutes and replenishes 35 hunger.
       Breakfast is between 0600H and 0800H.
       Lunch is between 1100H and 1300H.
       Dinner is between 1700H and 1900H.
       If you miss dinner, you can have the option to eat dinner from fridge.
       Trivia: there are 3 types of food that you can eat for each meal. The selection is random and you cannot choose what to eat.
       Breakfast	A nice bowl of cereal	A nice plate of eggs	Some fresh fruit and oatmeal
       Lunch	A nice PB&J sandwich	A nice ham sandwich	Some fruit, cheese, and crackers
       Dinner	A nice grilled cheese	A nice plate of meatloaf and mashed potatoes	A nice plate of spaghetti
       If your boy has learned the cooking skill, you can cook something at anytime of the day in the kitchen
       Cooking costs $4 and takes 30 minutes.
       Currently, you can only cook a Basic Meal.
       If you succeed in cooking, your cooking skill will increase, and the resulting meal will replenish 30 hunger.
       If you fail in cooking, your boy will note that the food is burnt and tasteless making him not want to finish it. Your cooking skill will still increase, but the resulting meal will only replenish 15 hunger.

School Cafeteria

   The school cafeteria offers breakfast and lunch during school. Eating in the school cafeteria is a great way to replenish hunger, and also to socialise with your friends. Eating in the school cafeteria takes 15 minutes.
   There are 3 breakfast and lunch options:
       Free Breakfast/Lunch does not cost any money and will replenish 20 hunger. Your boy will note that it's nothing special.
       Standard Breakfast/Lunch costs $2, but will replenish 35 hunger. Your boy will note that it tastes pretty good.
       Premium Breakfast/Lunch costs $4. In addition to replenishing 35 hunger, you will also receive the Delicious moodlet which lasts for 6 hours. This can be a great way to improve your boy's mood. Your boy will note that it tastes delicious.

Café Le Chat Blanc

   Between 0600H and 1800H, you can head to the French cafe in the Food District to eat.
   Eating here takes 20 minutes and costs $5. You will order a salad every time you eat here, and note how healthy and delicious it is.
   The meal replenishes 35 hunger and also gives you the Delicious moodlet which lasts for 7 hours.

Different levels of hunger will give you different moodlets.

   If Hunger > 60, you will receive a Well-Fed Moodlet.
   If Hunger < 45 and >25, you will receive a Hungry Moodlet.
   If Hunger < 25, you will receive a Starving Moodlet.

Neglecting your hunger will cause your boy to be sad, so make sure to keep him well-fed!


Fun shows how much fun your boy is currently having, or in other words, how bored your boy is.

Every hour that passes while awake will decrease your fun by 5 (2 if Need Decay set to Easy, 7 if set to Hard). Every hour that passes while sleeping will decrease your fun by 3 (1 if Need Decay set to Easy, 5 if set to Hard).

Fun can be increased in a lot of ways. Here's a non-exhaustive list:

   Watching the TV
   Playing in the playground
   Swimming in the pool
   Playing with your friends
   Playing with Noah
   Practicing soccer in your backyard

Different levels of fun will give you different moodlets.

   If Fun > 60, you will receive an Entertained Moodlet.
   If Fun < 45 and >25, you will receive a Bored Moodlet.
   If Fun < 25, you will receive a Dying of Boredom Moodlet.

Neglecting your fun need will cause your boy to be sad, so be sure to regularly let your boy have fun!

