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There are 3 ways to unlock this skill:
There are 3 ways to unlock this skill:

    Mowing the front lawn (12.5% chance of getting your pants ripped off)
*Mowing the front lawn (12.5% chance of getting your pants ripped off)
    Taking out the trash by either wearing only underwear or a towel.
*Taking out the trash by either wearing only underwear or a towel.
        If wearing towel, there's a 50% chance that your towel will be ripped off by a car speeding past, prompting the exhibitionism skill unlock.
**If wearing towel, there's a 50% chance that your towel will be ripped off by a car speeding past, prompting the exhibitionism skill unlock.
    Watching a horror movie in the movie theatre then playing in the Northend Playground between 2100H and 0600H while having the Scary Movie Moodlet will prompt a scene which unlocks exhibitionism.
*Watching a horror movie in the movie theatre then playing in the Northend Playground between 2100H and 0600H while having the Scary Movie Moodlet will prompt a scene which unlocks exhibitionism.

Your Exhibitionism skill can be improved by:
Your Exhibitionism skill can be improved by:

    Sneaking around the house naked between 2200H and 0600H
*Sneaking around the house naked between 2200H and 0600H
        Jumping on the couch naked
**Jumping on the couch naked
        Dancing on the coffee table naked
**Dancing on the coffee table naked
        Sticking your penis in the fridge
**Sticking your penis in the fridge
    Swimming naked in the City Pool when nobody is around
*Swimming naked in the City Pool when nobody is around
    Doing any of the activities listed to unlock the skill.
*Doing any of the activities listed to unlock the skill.

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Revision as of 02:39, 30 March 2024

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Skills are things your boy can learn and improve upon. Your skill directly affects the things you are capable of doing, as well as how likely you are to succeed in doing certain activities.

There are 10 skills in total. All skills have 10 levels that can be increased by gaining XP through activities relating to that skill. All skills start at 0 unless you have chosen to learn that skill in the character creation menu, which starts you at Level 2 for the chosen skills.

School Skills

These are your skills in each subject at school. They measure how good your boy is at the four available school subjects - English, History, Math, and Science. While your skill is a component of your current grade, they do not directly reflect it.


The English skill measures your ability in the English language. The English skill is usually learned by attending English class on the first day right after the intro scenes, but can also be learned by studying English in the school library or the public library.

Your English skill can be improved by going to English class, studying English in the library, and doing homework.

Level Description Unlocks
Level 1 (Learning the skill) You have learned the English Skill! This will determine your class grade. The English Language is a complex beast, where none of the rules make sense. But somehow, it is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Improving your English Skill will increase your persuasion ability. N/A
Level 2 You have reached English Level 2! Your mind becomes stronger as you explore more worlds between the pages. You can now “Browse” in the Public Library to discover new books of interest. You can read and research these books to uncover new stories and interests. "Browse" action in Public Library


The History skill measures your knowledge about history. The History skill is usually learned by attending History class on the first day right after the intro scenes, but can also be learned by studying History in the school library or the public library.

Your History skill can be improved by going to History class, studying History in the library, and doing homework.

Level Description Unlocks
Level 1 (Learning the skill) You have learned the History Skill! This skill will determine your class grade. Learning from the past is the most important step for improving your future. Improving your History Skill will allow you to unlock secret locations and access Collections in the Museum. N/A
Level 2 You have reached History Level 2! Knowing the history behind something can help you understand where it is and where it is going. You’ve heard that there was an incident at the local Museum. You’ve also unlocked a secret location. Secret Location (not yet implemented)
Level 3 You have reached History Level 3! The Town of Opal City has its own history, but it is steeped in mystery and intrigue. You’ve unlocked a secret location. Secret Location (not yet implemented)

Note: No secret locations have been implemented yet. Current text is just a teaser for future updates.


The Math skill measures your numerical and calculational competency. The Math skill is usually learned by attending Math class on the first day right after the intro scenes, but can also be learned by studying Math in the school library or the public library.

Your Math skill can be improved by going to Math class, studying Math in the library, and doing homework.

Level Description Unlocks
Level 1 (Learning the skill) You learned the Math Skill! This skill will determine your class grade. As your understanding of Math grows, you will eventually be able to help other kids with their schoolwork and can even become a tutor. But for now, you are just starting your journey in the academic world! N/A
Level 2 You have reached Math Level 2! As you begin to understand the building blocks of the universe, you grow more confident in your own scholarly abilities. You can now help younger kids, like Noah, with their homework. Helping Noah with homework in the kitchen
Level 3 You have reached Math Level 3! You’ve become quite the wiz when it comes to fractions, division, and multiplication. The Community Center is always looking for tutors to help those who have a harder time and it’s a good way to improve your reputation with the town. You can Tutor at the Community Center between 10 AM and 5 PM. Tutoring in the Community Center


The Math skill measures your numerical and calculational competency. The Math skill is usually learned by attending Science class on the first day right after the intro scenes, but can also be learned by studying Math in the school library or the public library.

Your Science skill can be improved by going to Science class, studying Sciencein the library, and doing homework.

Level Description Unlocks
Level 1 (Learning the skill) You have learned the Science Skill! This skill will determine your class grade. From research, to deduction, to experiments. There truly are no limits to what Science can do. Improving this skill will reduce the time it takes for you to complete your homework and give you more insight into skill checks. N/A
Level 2 You have reached Science Level 2! As your ability to research and solve problems increases, you become faster at completing certain tasks. Completing your Homework will now only take 50 minutes. Completing homework now takes 50 minutes
Level 3 You have reached Science Level 3! Using the information provided to you to deduce the difficulty and outcome of a task is an important part of Science. You will now get a more accurate Difficulty Display on Skill Checks. Difficulty display (success probability) will be more accurate during skill checks
Level 4 You have reached Science Level 4! Some have taken to calling you a young Einstein, well at least you have. Completing your Homework will now only take 40 minutes. Completing homework now takes 40 minutes

Physical Skills

These are your skills relating to physical activities. An active boy is a healthy boy!


The Athletics skill measures how good your boy is at physical activities. The Athletics skill is usually learned by attending gym class on the first day right after the intro scenes, but can also be learned performing physical activities such as climbing the tree with Jackson in the school courtyard, playing soccer with Félix, or trying to impress Xavier with basketball.

Your Athletics skill can be improved by doing physical activities such as attending gym class, practicing soccer, and jogging among other things.

Level Description Unlocks
Level 1 (Learning the skill) You learned the Athletics Skill! Boys are naturally athletic, but some more-so than others. This skill will aid in your Gym Class, but also comes into play whenever you do something physical. It has many uses which can be viewed from your Skill Journal in your Bedroom. N/A
Level 2 You have reached Athletics Level 2! As your knowledge of how to use your body grows, you learn better ways to train and maintain it. When exercising, you can now choose the No Sweat option, which reduces the amount of -Hygiene you gain from exercising. Allows you to choose the No Sweat option when excercising. Hygiene decreases by 2 instead of 5. (Currently only implemented for jogging)
Level 3 You have reached Athletics Level 3! You know your own limits and how long you can last. You can now choose the Paced Exercise option, which reduces the amount of -Energy you gain from exercising. You also feel your climbing ability has increased! Allows you to choose the Paced option when excercising. Energy decreases by 2 instead of 4. (Currently only implemented for jogging)
Level 4 and beyond You have leveled up your Athletics! Unfortunately, no new content is available past this point at the moment. But you will still gain the benefits during Skill Checks! N/A


The Swimming skill measures how good your boy is at swimming and other water sports such as diving.

Your Swimming skill can be improved by attending gym class, and swimming or diving in the City Pool,

Level Description Unlocks
Level 1 (Learning the skill) You have learned the Swimming Skill! Swimming is a very physical activity and requires a lot of Endurance to do it for long periods of time, but it’s also a very fun and revealing activity. This skill will aid in your Swimming Classes, but also comes into play whenever you try to do things in water. Its uses can be viewed from your Skill Journal in your Bedroom. N/A
Level 2 You have reached Swimming Level 2! As your muscles get use to the feeling of constant use when swimming, you start noticing you can swim longer and harder. Your Swimming Stamina has been upgraded, meaning you can swim for longer, and you can also practice your diving at places such as the City Pool. Improved stamina allows you to swim for longer

Can practice diving in the City Pool

Level 3 You have reached Swimming Level 3! After numerous incidents of accidentally swallowing a bunch of water, your lungs have strengthened! You can now dive in more complex locations and can hold your breath for longer. Your Swimming Stamina has also increased. Improved stamina allows you to swim for longer

Dive in other locations (not yet implemented)

Level 4 and beyond You have leveled up your Swimming! Unfortunately, no new content is available past this point at the moment. But you will still gain the benefits during Skill Checks! N/A

Social Skills

These are skills relating to your boy's ability to handle social situations with other people.


The Acting skill measures how good your boy is performing on the stage. The Acting skill can be learned by attending drama class in school. If you have somehow not attended any drama classes, and have your English skill up to Level 2, you can learn acting by finding the Acting skill book in the City Library. Acting is currently the only skill you can learn from a school elective.

Your Acting skill can be improved by attending drama class.

Level Description Unlocks
Level 1 (Learning the skill) You learned the Acting skill! This skill will determine your Drama grade! You can train it at many locations throughout the town! N/A
Level 2 You have reached Acting level 2! You can feel your skills becoming stronger! In the future, new things that are unlocked will be listed here. (not yet implemented)​

Creative Skills

These are skills relating to your boy's creative prowess.


The Cooking skill measures how able your boy is at preparing and cooking food.

There are 3 ways to unlock this skill:

  • Watching the Cooking Channel on the TV
  • Reading the Cooking skill book in the Library (found by browsing in the City Library, requires English skill Level 2)
  • Helping your father cook dinner.

Your Cooking skill can be improved by:

  • Cooking something in the kitchen (replenishes hunger as well)
  • Watching the Cooking Channel on the TV
  • Reading the Cooking skill book
  • Helping your father cook dinner.
Level Description Unlocks
Level 1 (Learning the skill) You learned the Cooking skill! This skill allows you to cook various foods and snacks. You've unlocked the ability to cook basic meals at home, just be careful not to start a fire. Can now Cook Something in the kitchen.
Level 2 You have reached Cooking level 2! You can feel your skills becoming stronger! In the future, new things that are unlocked will be listed here. (not yet implemented)

Lewd Skills

These are skills relating the more naughty things your boy can get up to.


The Exhibitionism skill measures how comfortable and daring your boy is to expose himself for sexual purposes.

There are 3 ways to unlock this skill:

  • Mowing the front lawn (12.5% chance of getting your pants ripped off)
  • Taking out the trash by either wearing only underwear or a towel.
    • If wearing towel, there's a 50% chance that your towel will be ripped off by a car speeding past, prompting the exhibitionism skill unlock.
  • Watching a horror movie in the movie theatre then playing in the Northend Playground between 2100H and 0600H while having the Scary Movie Moodlet will prompt a scene which unlocks exhibitionism.

Your Exhibitionism skill can be improved by:

  • Sneaking around the house naked between 2200H and 0600H
    • Jumping on the couch naked
    • Dancing on the coffee table naked
    • Sticking your penis in the fridge
  • Swimming naked in the City Pool when nobody is around
  • Doing any of the activities listed to unlock the skill.
Level Description Unlocks
Level 1 (Learning the skill) You’ve found yourself exposed in public! Your body laid bare to the world. It is humiliating and scary, but also exciting? You feel a strange, pleasant sensation that is new to you. You've learned the Exhibition Skill!

You’ve unlocked something new in the Attitudes Menu in your bedroom. You feel brave enough to wander your house naked after your family has gone to sleep. || Unlocks Nudity Attitudes Ability to sneak around the house naked after everyone is asleep
